Eagle is a tall, muscular fighter with blond hair arranged in a pompadour; he also has a mustache, and a scar on each side of his face. His pomp, braces (suspenders), and formal dress are designed to make him a mixed counter-culture counterpart to Birdie, a punk; both are also named after golfing terms (an eagle is a score of two shots below par, whereas a birdie is one below par).
Eagle was born in the UK. A cold-blooded individual, Eagle is a bouncer who was employed as a newly-rich noble family's bodyguard during the first World Warrior tournament. He was hired to defeat Sagat, but was unsuccessful and returned to the bar scene, eventually becoming a living legend. He later fought against Ryu and lost.
Eagle seeks to perfect the beauty of his style, and find a perfect duel to match. He finds Guile and, knowing he is the bravest and strongest fighter in the Air Force, wants to test him. Guile refuses, saying that he is busy, but Eagle persists they fight nonetheless. After Eagle wins their match, he wants to know what Guile's mission is. Guile tells him he is on a mission to stop a narcotics ring called Shadaloo, and has heard rumors about Sagat joining them. Once Eagle hears this, he decides to find the Muay Thai King in order to test his long-time rival.
DEMO Eagle Char

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